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Vein pressure converter?

Guest bastaad525

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Guest bastaad525

I'm sure a few of you guys have heard/read about this little number. HKS Vein Pressure Converter... apparently this unit is designed to replace the flapper door style AFM found on many cars. I've seen them installed on MR2 turbos, among other cars. The reason I mention the MR2 is because they have an AFM externally almost identical to the one found in 280zx's, though I dont know how compatible they are on the inside. One thing about them they are EXPENSIVE... around a grand. Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone knows if these would work with a ZX EFI? I know to swap something like this in would be akin to just swapping to the 300zx ECU, and it's way more costly than a 300zx swap would be... at that rate it's more expensive that other alternatives such as SDS as well... just curious about it, if anyones using it or knows if it would work with ZX EFI?

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I'm sure it could be made to work, but why bother?


SDS would be cheaper and lots of support. MSnS even cheaper and quite a few people running it. 300ZX system about as cheap as MSnS and no programming issues.


Any of these alternatives will give better driveability over stock ECU, and eliminate dreaded lean condition starting @ ~5k rpm.


With the VPC you're stuck with the lean condition, and poor driveability, plus the $ necessary to pay someone to program the thing. In the end you've got something unique, that no-one else would probably want - and for good reason.



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Guest bastaad525

heheh true true... actually I kinda lost interest quick in the thing once I saw how much it goes for. I was figuring $200-300 for it, not a whopping $1100... SDS definately the better invesment, or a used TEC II even.


I think the VPC does allow some tuning though, as far as getting rid of the leanness above 5k... but like you said... for that price, why bother.

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