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Subaru WRX Sportwagon


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I think "sportwagon" is the correct term to use for the staion wagon version of the Subaru WRX.

Anyway, had one pass me on the way to work this AM that was an electric blue with the Subaru insignia painted on sides and back in white - and huge! For grins I stepped on it a little and pulled even with him with a lane between and just cruised there for about a minute - which was all it took for him to nail it and go zooming off. Subarus can do that to, right? The zoom, zoom isn't just limited to Mazda?

Thought - oh what fun, so I stepped on it again and fell in behind him until he dropped back down to 75 and pulled over a lane. By then I had downshifted from 6th to 5th so the revs were up a bit when I pulled alongside again. This time, however, I looked over at him once, pulled it down into 4th and nailed it. The LS1 was suddenly in a happy place and the car just picked up its skirts and bolted. Ran it out to about 5,800, shifted to 5th, and put the pedal down again. About 7-8 seconds into the run I looked down in time to see the speedometer needle sweeping rather quickly past 130 and shut it down. Dropped the car back to about 70 but never did see the Subaru again.

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sweet.... I would probably get the WRX STI if I were to go for new muscle. Driving one of those is FUN! But I still like Z's better, for many little reasons, 2 seats being rather high up on the list. I had a couple of light runs with a non-STI last summer, and embarrassed myself on the first run... went sideways a bit at the launch, and he left me. He didnt look quite so cocky at the next light tho..... and I started pulling him towards the end of second gear. He gave me a small grin and pulled off the street. :P

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