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Well I think I discovered some of my EFI running problems, it started to run poorly when it would heat soak after driving for a while. It appears that the engine needs more fuel dialed in the air enrichment table at warmer temperatures. It was actually running more than a full AFR point higher than usual past about 70F to mabey 120F when in stop and go traffic.


It has always been my understanding that hotter air is less dense therefore to maintain the same AFR less fuel is needed. Which is contrary what is required by the engine. Is it because the fuel is actually getting hotter as well and expanding, this would mean the injector would need to stay on longer to deliver the same weight of fuel. Does anyone have other theories or explainations ??


I am going to put the intake heat sheild back on, mabey insulate the fuel rail. Plans are to ceramic the exhaust manifold next year.

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I am going to put the intake heat sheild back on, mabey insulate the fuel rail. Plans are to ceramic the exhaust manifold next year.


You betcha!! You wouldn't be able to run down south without that intake heat shield. That's what allows us to suvive without extreme case of vapor lock in the summer months. THe heat off the exhaust first bakes the manifold and then the fuel rails. The shield reduces that siginificantly.

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