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Maybe ZFAN is out there. I installed my Victor Jr. today and noticed two things...(1) I cant screw my datsun sending unit back in without cutting down the ridge on the back of the intake with a dremel. There is no room for an extension as the sending unit will hit the Distributor. I guess I need to trim the little ridge down to fit. Secondly, there is no vaccuum port for the brakes so I suppose I have to put the brake hose directly to rear of carb???? Then plug or filter the other valve cover? I see no other way less putting a T connector from the carb....anyone care to chime in. It looks good by the way.



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you can put the brake booster hose directly to the carb PVC port. my is a "race carb" that has no vacuum ports so I had to drill and tap one in my manifold. As far as your oil sender you could probalbly use a pipe extention and a t fittingand put your sender on an angle between the valve cover and dist.



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Guest zfan



I am using a different unit that you. I have a machanical oil pressure sending unit. I use the carb, back 3/8" lower back outlet for my Brakes.


Works fine with my vacuum canister.



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