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Rant; Bad day, bad body job, bad...uh.. bad.


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I figured I'd just piss and moan a bit here... I go to my local auto store the other day, and pick up some spot puty. I get this stuf that a friend told me to get called 'split second' (hes a pro certified body/paint guy at Ford dealer in town) but I have never used it. It's on the shelf with a tube of hardner/catylist on top of it, so I figure.. sure must be the stuf. I get home, and proced to slap a bunch on the door, rocker, fender and roll pan. I'm a frigin moron, cause I didnt read the side of the can 'Use CREAM hardener, mix 1:37, ect....' and didnt test a small area first.. bah..

Well, the hardner was the wrong stuf. It's actually ment for that 'metal filler' or whatever. (it's a liquid.. and smells like I killed a few brain cells playing with it for 2 minits...) Anyway, today, (3 days later) I go out to work on the car "Day off work, awsome weather, cars getting close.. Cool!" Yah.. well, this crap is still mushy and refuses to dry. Then I read the can. Sonofa@(*@#%&mother!(@$%stupid&!*#!!!!!!!!! ....after screaming and cursing like a drunken pirate for a few mins, I decide to try and get it off the car. Wow... this crap is gooey!! It took me about 4 hours of scraping, sanding with 40 grit (which it clogs an about 2.5 seconds) and all this in a very HOT portable shed. There's still a bit here and there that I'm hoping will dry once I put a bit more over it (mixed properly now) Fun. Now I have actually gone BACKWARDS with my car instead of forwards with the body job. The whole roll pan, the lower quarter, most of the rocker and door bottom look like hell were as 3 dyas ago, they were 90% finished!! AAGGGGGGG!!!!!

I did go down to the store and get the right stuf after and HEY! Imagine that.. it drys now!! .. I guess I looked pretty angrywhan I walked in there (well, I came into the parking lot a little sideways in my truck.. almost came through the front door..) .. covered in bondo/glass/dust and I think my eyes were red with rage. I walked in and smacked the can/wrong hardner on the counter as he asked 'can I help you?' and said 'Yah. There's a problem here. And theres a BIG one at my house on my car...' He said sorry and gave me a big tube of the proper stuff free of charge. Hmm.. thanks. So now I get to spend most of tomorrow fixing the mess I made today. Great. Anyway, just wanted to vent a bit. Nothing helps a bad mood like spreading it around you know! :evil:

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