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nOOB has a question....

Guest TexaZ

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Guest TexaZ

Sorry in advance if I posted this in the wrong forum...but...


Here goes:


I have a '72 Datsun 240Z in pretty good shape. Not alot of rust, interior is very nice, lots of new OEM pieces...so it basically looks new on the outside.


I've been thinking about a V8 swap for awhile, but I don't know how expensive or difficult this is, and I am, by NO means, a mechanic.


I DO know I have gotten tired of trying to dissassemble/reassemble these friggin SU carbs, so the L24 will run without sputtering...or run too rich, or whatever...


Anyway, I think I am past the point where I wanna keep everything 'OEM original'...sooo......


Being new to this forum....is there anyone who can break it down as far as what I will need to complete the V8 swap and how much all of this will cost?


Thanks guys.


-Marc. (nOOB supreme)



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Welcome to Hybridz.


First off, the SU's are likely the simplest carb ever made. Not trying to put down your skills, but what is needed to set them up are well within the skill set of your average backwayd mechanic. Searching here, and places like zcar.com will help you there. All that is really necessary is a $25 tool called a uni-syn.


The reason I am not specifically answering your question, is that I am going to make a couple of recommendations. A Z with a moderate V8 swap has a similar power to weight ratio to that of a Viper. What it won't have is brakes, suspension, chassis and grip even close to that of a Viper. So in order to really effectively (and safely) do a V8 swap, I can't stress enough the importance of budgeting for upgrades to these key components. With that in mind, most people realize that it isn't an inexpensive upgrade, as your cheap engine swap probably just tripled in costs when considering these other necessary upgrades.


What I recommend, is learning the SU's, and tune the car. Buy a couple books, and wrench on the Z yourself. The Z platform quite possibly is the easiest car ever built to work on! (well, it is very simple) Hone some of your skills and drive the car. Take this time to upgrade brakes, chassis, suspension, wheels & tires in preparation for a V8 swap down the road.


I would personally budget at a minimum $8000 for the swap, including suspension, chassis and brake upgrades.

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Guest bastaad525

Agreed.... 240Z in stock form is one of the easiest cars to work on ever built... too bad most swaps throw that out the window :cry:



seriously though... they are very easy, and SU's are some of the easiest carbs to work on as well. You can get a Unisyn tool from places like PAW auto parts (that's where I got mine), or I'm sure Ztherapy.com has them... they should be in the $20 range, you just need one. All it is is basically an airflow measuring tool, that you use to make sure you're carbs are flowing the exact same amount of air. Tuning SU's is like a 30 minute procedure if not less, once you have done it a few times. Tune the airflow balance at idle, tune the airflow balance at 'high' rpm (usually at about 3000rpm or wherever you normally cruise at) and then just tune the fuel mixtures for the fastest, smoothest idle, and you're set.

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I'll agree with Drax.. A V8 swap by itself is probly going to result in a very dangerous vehicle.. I did an 85 RX7 a few years ago, and almost killed myself a few times.. I did it on a buget of $300 mind you, and with no welding skils (or welder for that matter..) all hand tools, and a lot of 'jerry rigging' to get the thing together. It was fast for sure.. but the stock brakes didnt stop it well at all. The front end was always sitting low (dead struts, weak stock springs) unless I was going full throttle, and it just plain sucked as far as handeling..

As for the SU's, man... they can be a bit of a pain, but they are SOOOO simple! I compleatly dissasembled mine, cleaned in varsol, made new gaskets and threw them back together. VROOM! Started right up! It's taken me 2 weeks of tuning/learning, but they are quite close now...(and I dont have a uni-syn yet!) The car is quite fun to drive (it's prety much stock 2.8L/4speed) but I am noticing the limitations of the stock suspension and brakes NOW. I can't imagine droping in even a mild 302 in there right now.. :shock: it just wouldn't be safe/drivable IMO.

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Guest TexaZ

Thanks for all your help, guys!


I'm gonna call ZTherapy and order that video!


I'll be eating, sleeping, andbreathing SU carbs for the next few weeks I guess!



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