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Questions for those living in New Zealand


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If one had the strong desire to travel to New Zealand where should he start? Assume that I have procured the flights, how and where would I best spend my time and see as much as possible? Of course all of this is within reason nothing too extravagant (translation...cost effective). I have looked into backpacking part of the country. If so, what time of year and what part of the country are ideal?

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What do you want to see? Like the countryside or the rain forests, or the garden city (christchurch)?


I live in Christchurch, I can say would be best to come in the spring/summer (unless your into ski'ing) that way you can see all blloms and pretty stuff. I reccomend a trip to hanmer springs and do a bungy jump! If your one of the "wow a Skyline" group, you will love it here! We can get GTRs for like $30,000NZD!




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New zealand is a pretty diverse counrty. There its a lot to see. Imagine All the sights of the US compacted into a place the size of California. So much is going to depend on the time and resources avalable. It doesnt really take that long to get to places but there's a lot to see. Most people arive in Auckland. Its a pretty city and worth spending a couple of days in. Even if you just climb the local volcanos or head out to the west coast beaches. Seeing you are from Tenn, I would head north from there and hit some warm beachs. You can find wicked places here and you will be the only one there. Go up highway one and then come back the other side. I would go down one side of the north island to Wellington cross the ferry and then do a loop around the south island. Most people like to spend a little more time in the south Island. Its a amazing place. Then when you are done with that cross on the ferry again and do the other side of the north island. I think Jan and Feb are the best times to come. So does most of the other travellers however and things can cost a little more. Spring and fall can be a little windy and wet. Give me a idea of some of the things you are interested in and I will try to point you in the right direction. I used to run a rental car firm in Auckland before I decided to grow olives and make wine, so I have done a few itinerarys in the past.




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Thanks Douglas,


My main aspiration is to get out into the countryside as much as possible. However, after looking at pictures from Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch I would like to visit perhaps all three. I looked at flights coming into Auckland and then going from there. I still toy with the notion of bringing my pack and hiking some of the area. I appreciate your input.



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