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Selling My Turbo S30


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I know. I've been fighting it for the past two months but I have other priorities right now. My house is basically bare and I don't want to dip into the savings to pay for things. I still have a spare motor that I may try and build slowly and eventually drop into another Z down the road.

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Guest bastaad525





Well I've ranted so many times to so many guys when they put these ads up for sale, about all the reasons why not to do it. You know... I had wondered why I hadn't really seen you posting around here lately... you were always one with really good answers for me and I could relate to since your setup was so so close to mine. If I remember right you were also one of the guys who really talked me OUT of selling mine that first time when I'd just had it and put ads up myself. Well... all I can say is, dude there's ALWAYS another way to get money, ALWAYS. And it doesn't even have to be illegal :D Hopefully you will find a way and can hold on to your Z. I know you say you have that other motor... but you know... what are the chances you'll ever really do another Z project? How long is life, anyways? Starting over from scratch really sux, and it's just gonna take that much more time and money to get it to that same point again... just not worth it.

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It was hard to put this add up so please buy it before I change my mind.


I struggle all the time with selling or keeping my car because I want to start other projects etc. But in the end I am convinced that if I sell my turbo car I won't get the chance to own another datsun again. This is the fastest and most fun car I have ever owned and I am just going to keep that thought as long as I can. Even when my turbo camaro is finished next summer, it will be faster but I don't think it will be as much fun as the datsun for several reasons.

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