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Cuban Vacation on hold.............[Updated]


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Well, as some of you may know I was set to go to Gitmo this week. I was supposed to fly out at 0400 on Thursday. Well, on my way out the door the vet called with some news that put me on hold. Apparently my MWD (Military Working Dog) came up with some liver abnormalities that undoubtedly required some more testing before he'd clear us. So, here I am stuck all packed and ready to go, with ...... umm, nowhere to go. I'm supposed to find the results of the 2nd/3rd blood test results at the beginning of next week. What a PITA, I should have been on ground and setup by now.


Well, at least I have one more weekend huh. May have been a little more fun if my car wasn't stored up for the trip ehhh???

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CANCELLED altogether............


The vet called this morning and now the dog has to see a specialist. So, needless to say that will take weeks and the unit has opted to send somebody else. Kinda sucks for this poor guy, I had about a month to prepare and he's got about 5 days.


Kinda sucks for me too though. Now I'll be thrown into the Desert rotation that starts at the beginning of the year. Better money, but longer and they're still shootin at us .... Oh well, time to start thinking about the next project.


Anybody got a super cheap Z for sale in the southeast????

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