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Intercooling piping question


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Hi All,


Well I am trying to figure out what size piping to use with my turbo and I/C. Here are some specs: turbo out is 2" with the I/C having 2 3/4 in/out and of course I have a 60mm throttle body.


So is it better to run a 2" line to the I/C and then up it to 2 3/4. Then come out of the I/C with a 2 3/4 size it down to a 2 1/4 so it matches the T/B????


Or should I just run 2 1/4 all the way??


It is my understanding that it is better to keep the volecity of the air up so stay with the 2" to the I/C. Also if you increase the size of the piping it slows the charge down, correct?? Which in turn means the air takes longer to get to the TB.


SO???? :?::?::?:


Any .02 will be helpful on this one!


Thanks for your help!



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Guest bastaad525

I went thru this not too long ago, the common consensus was, for the stock turbo (or anything up to like 400hp) that 2 1/4" piping was the way to go. It was easier for me, as my I/C inlet/outlets were 2 1/2", so I was able to use 2 1/4" couplers all throughout, and the 2 1/4" 90 degree bend sections I was actually able to force onto the slightly larger inlet/outlets. I dont think you'll be able to do that with the 2 3/4" and will have to look and getting at least a couple reducers in there to make it work.


Either way, I'd definately try to stick with 2 1/4" pipe all the way thru, well and one 2" pipe coming off the turbo (I just cut the end off and slightly shortened the stock J-pipe).

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Thanks bastaad525 for that information, 2.25 sound like a good starting point. Now if I could get some information on the best way to route the I/C piping that would be great. Mostly because I am having a problem picturing how to route all the pipes in my mind, you know a I/C is a terrible thing to waste :oops::roll::twisted: You know a 3†intake pipe, filter and AFM plus a 2.25†I/C pipe, and they both have to go thru the drives side radiator support.


Here is my Intercooler information:


26†tank end to tank end with 2.75†openings





It would be nice to see some pictures of how you did it! You know the idea that a picture is worth a thousand words. Thanks all!



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I would also recommend 2 1/4. I'm using 2 1/4 in and 2 1/2 out of intercooler. 2" is OK for stock set up, but will be little to restrictive as you make more changes such as larger injectors, more boost....and alll the other good stuff that inevitably follows

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