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MR2 strut cartriges?

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Looks like the search is fubar, or I can't figure out how to work it.. ?? I'm looking for post about using front MR2 cartriges in the rear of a 280z.. I'm not sectioning my struts, but figured I could just build a spacer (as the mr2's are shorter iirc..) See, I can't get 280 struts anywhere local.. but MR2 cartriges are abailible.. :wink: so.. can anyone give me any info?

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Hey Datsunlover


You can use 240z rear cartridges in the 280z rears too. I had to do this for my uncles Turbo car. You'll still have to make a spacer, but it looks like you were going to anyways.


Call Rick Scott of Brantford Nissan. He can get you Tokico cartridges.

My wife is going to the cottage next week end (Honey Harbour). I can pick them up from Rick and give them to her to bring up for you.



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Well, if I'm gona get them from a nissan dealer, I'd get the ones FOR a 280 I supose.. (any idea what they are gona run me $$ from Rick?) I just can't bring myself to put it all back together withOUT replacing the struts! :lol: and I want this thing back together asap.

Thanks for offering to pick them up and get them to me.. I'll get back to you when I get a price I guess.. dono how we'd work it either..either I give Rick my visa # (but the things close to maxed right now.. ugh..) or you buy them and I give you the $$ when you come up here..(there's a new gas station right off the 400 we could meet at, so you wouldn't even have to go out of your way) I would understand if you didn't wana do that though, as it's a 'leap of faith' on your part.. I'll find out what I'm gona do, and I'll get back to you..

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Doh!! I finally got around to calling Rick today.. (been working, x-mass stuff and all that.. blah) He can get me stock struts.. out of japan and in 5 weeks!! :lol: And I guess they changed their computers or something, cause he couldn't pull up the tokicos or get a listing.. or something. He called/emailed someone to see if they had them, and might give me a call back.. guess I'm SOL though for you to pick them up for me.. and he figuress shipping is gona be a little steep cause of the weight..


EDIT; heh... just got a call back from Rick. $120 a piece for tokicos :shock: hmm... Just before he called back, I was on the phone with a speed shop in Barrie. KYB GR2's for $80 each. Rears will be there moday, fronts in 4 weeks. (which is ok, cause it'll likely be a month or 2 before I get to the front suspension anyway) I know, I know.. 'eeeewww.. kyb's!!!' but I'm gona be unemployed come january (2 months of schooling.. EI only pays 55% of my wages) and I want the rear end back on the ground so I can start pulling the motor/tranny.

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