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Why I like dogs, cause my wife left with everything.


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I am sure by the time you read this you already got over it. I still want to say it though. From what I've gathered, You :


Were abused as an infant but were saved

Had great foster parents

Have a good bond with your boy

Received 8 year college education, degree in engineering

Make 6 figure money

Operate 3 companies

Have several hobbies

Probably are in good health

Love children

Like dogs

Have good rapport with local police

Have classic cars with good weight-to-power ratio

Tune Q-Jets instead of cussing at it


Not a lot of people in this world can have 3 or 4 of the above, let alone all of them. I am not saying those things came without effort, but you know what I mean. There are tons of people in this world who would LOVE to spend 17200$ to hire a hitman to wire a bomb in their truck so their bad spouse would vaporize with it...But it just happened for you. That money stealing wife of yours could very well be the last bad person you'll HAVE to deal with in your life. Be glad it's over. From now on, your life will be nothing but sunshine. You are the forgive and forget type, not the revenge type, I like that, though I believe that woman should be lawfully prosecuted to the fullest extend.


"Living well is the best revenge"


I think you are more than capable of living well, unless you don't know how to work your washing machine and run out of underwear.

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Well said, thank you! You are correct except for one thing, I didn't have foster parents in my eyes, I had a dad and a mom, for it is those who raise you that are parents, not those who biologically made you. It seems that these odd threads that show up in this forum that give you insight into all the goodness of people that exist in this world that are worth talking to, you all are included in this group. If I can help, I will, just ask or drop by my house at 1100 Chapparal Drive in Socorro, NM sometime.

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