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It's been a wonderful week!


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Where to start?


1. Finally got tired of my managers screwing me at Safety Kleen and told them "Where to go!" and "How to get there!" So I quit and am now currently unemployed. cuss.gif


2. A "friend" e-mailed me an "attachment" that contained a "worm" and someone "Hacked" into my system! fmad.gif


3. My brother is now longer speaking to me. (He has issues, trust me!) confused2.gif


4. Lastly, I'm sick with a sinus infection! ugg.gif


Oh well, it can "Always be worse!"


Not to fear though!


1. I'm re-activating my contractor license with the state. 2thumbs.gif


2. Got the latest version of PC-cillian 2002, so no more "worm" or "hacker" and the system is up and running again! cheers.gif


3. My brother still has "issues" and he rarely called me before so, no change there... rolleyesg.gif


4. Got some antibiotics and I should feel like "new" soon. :D


I hope everyone is having a better week!



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Umm... Things are looking up, huh?


Sorry about your brother. Hope you feel better, and what's a contractor's license going to allow you to venture into? Lot's o' $$$$ so you can fund a nice fast HybridZ after all the bills are paid, I hope!

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I've been a licensed building contractor in the state of California for over 10 years. I haven't used it for the past several years, so when renewal time came around, I made it inactive with the state. It's kind of like choosing to "Non-Op" instead of registering your vehicle. I would never let my license expire! Over the years I've built many custom homes and remodeled alot as well. I would have continued with it, but I got bored and wanted a change. Problem is I much prefer being "self-employed" rather taking orders from "A-holes". And yes, "Paying the Bills" is the first priority. Live and learn I guess!


Mark 2thumbs.gif2thumbs.gif2thumbs.gif

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Guest Zpeed

must of been a wonderful week, as you didn't mention your car braking or anything... hehe,


i find it if i am having a bad week, day or month, if my car is 100% i don't really care,


i find it relaxing just going out on the highway and crusing to clear my mind up, window open, exhaust droning in my ear... but the stereos up and no one to bother me. (unless i step on the gas hehe)

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