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Big boom vid

Heavy Z

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Wow, that's amazing. In looking at the video, you can see vehicles moving by ground zero, so I don't think they were blowing a munitions supply as it seems that they would have cleared the area of civilians, looks as though it was a big 500 pounder or laser guided bomb hitting a target. Amazing the soldiers are taking pictures with a disposable camera.


A buddy of mine just came back from Iraq, we went to the bar, shot some pool and had a beer. I'm glad he came back, just wish he'd of made it back just like he left. He's changed. His unit was one that we all read about, a bunch of marines hit in a mortar attack at their camp mess hall. He lost a couple of his buddies and it's undoubtedly changed him forever. He was a machinist in the army national guard over there making parts for tanks, humvee's, etc. I guess, fitting enough, everyone has to pull guard duty in the "nests" and man the machine guns and stuff, whether your guard, machinist or whatever. Freedom isn't free and I hope we all don't forget that, I know he hasn't. I'm proud to be an american, an I'm proud he volunteered to defend our country. Whether we were right or wrong, doesn't matter to many who came back horizontal. I'm glad he's back and I'm proud of all our soldiers. I salute you and thank you for your service that allows me and my boy the freedom to play with the z.

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