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L28ET fuel problem questions


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In the proccess of cleaning up wireing and re-installing fuel pump on my L28ET I messed up, somewhere. Here's whats going on:


The engine runs ok at idle, but dies the second I attempt to give it any gas. It also runs ALOT better (in fact almost perfect) after I 'prime' the fuel pump 3-4 times. I just bought a fuel presure gauge on ebay, waiting for it to arrive but I wanted to know what you guys think could be the culprit here?


Engine ran fine (idle and gas) before!! Fuel pump worked fine. All I did was finish up makeing the wireing neat and re-install fuel pump so the fuel lines do not hang out of the car. All grounds were cleaned, all electrical connections checked. Engine does fire up and idle. Idles very well for first 2-3 seconds then start 'lumping' like it has a cam (vacuum leaks?)


Would a 'sharp' 90 degree turn of the fuel line going from fuel pump to the dampner reduce the fuel flow enough to cause engine to die????


Should I just get rid of the dampner and see if that helps or is the dampner something the engine really needs?


Please help...... thanks in advance!!!!!!

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turning the maf around helped alot.


I can't belive the engine still idled with the airflow meter faceing the wrong way!!!! I hope I never ever do this again.... ...


Time to test drive :)



Ha ha.. that's pretty funny!


It's sure is easy enough to put the MAF in backwards, at least now we all know how it behaves with the MAF mixed up so we will know how to fix the problem when we screw it up (could happen..)

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