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somAutomotive Modeling Clay, I got e samples

Guest iskone

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I've been thinking about some custom wide body ideas somthing along the lines of Terry's, YZ, and Q45 240. I'm not gonna be jumping into this right away or anything but I did get some free samples from Chavant. I have some Y2Klay and I-307, this stuff is stiff!


Basiclly I was wondering if anyone has tried anything with these clays and has some tips. I'm not going to make my whole car out of clay or anything. The plan is to use the clay over my car to come up with the right look then make molds of the new body parts on the car then make composite parts from there. I think the hardest part will be making a mold of the air damn. I'm talking at least a year from now.



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I've worked hundreds of hours with the stuff! I have an Artist background and used to do alot of small (12"-20" ) and Medium (21"-48") sculptures that were later Eurothane molded and done into Cast stone.


I still use it frequently even in Mock up situations.


I've been in Martial arts since I was a boy,and some of the fundamentals my Sensae' (sp:) taught us was "GRIP" exercises to the max. It came in handy for sure later in life in more ways than I can count.....including manipulating/softening modeling clays (as much as 200lbs) That stuff is heavy like Mama's meatloaf gone bad !


Anyway,enough rant........the clay has natural oils that when stable/still cross bond the clays base materials. To knead and bend the clay reactivates these oils and of course the temperature from your hands will aid the breakdown.As the clay cools and is left idle, you will notice it becomes firmer as the hours pass.But will not turn to brick hard,unless its exposed to sunlight or left to completly dry out.(not good)


In automotive stylizing,its wise to use back fill materials to build up and use the clay for the more detailed areas. By filler I mean ANYTHING stable once taped,glued,screwed etc.....so the clay won't be forced to move because the back fill is unstable.


When your done with the basic shape in clay,let it stablize for a day or so ...then come back and tool it to perfection. I have many specific carving tools ,some bought at a Artists merchant...some home made for personal styles/techniques.


You can use a heat gun to pre- heat the clay...beware ...to handle it after that can give severe deep heat soak burns due to the clays nature to insulate and draw heat inward.


Knock yourself out and enjoy. Kung Fu grip coming soon ! lol


.............Vinny 8)

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