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getting a "DEAL"

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I just got thru posting this responce at another site

to a guy who is buying a particular cam BECAUSE....." since i got a great deal on a Edelbrock performer cam"



now IM not saying your particular combo will or will not work correctly. with that particular cam, and IM well aware of the fact most of us hot rodders have limited funds

but I must point out that I constantly see more combos get ruined thru "the DEAL" than almost any other problem in engine building


"the DEAL" is when you get a great price on parts that don,t exactly match your engine combos needs or put another way some parts are designed to work at a differant rpm range, airflow or compression than the rest of your combo, but they get used simply because you got a great price!

keep in mind many of those good "DEALS" are out there at the swap meets, ETC. BECAUSE someone else tried those parts with LESS than great results, and is unloading them to get some of thier wasted money back


youll usually get much better results EXACTLY duplicating KNOWN effective combos or at least useing very similar parts NOT getting random " GREAT DEALS" on parts that might save you money but mis-match components

and it helps a great deal to know exactly why your useing a specific part and how it effects the results of the rest of the parts in your combo, as to rpm range, compression and airflow

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