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Healthy battery draw?

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I've been trying to figure out what drains my batter... Now that my car has returned to daily driver status, I can't simply "test" things by leaving hooked up over night to see if It drains the battery completly or not.

Without anything hooked up to my batter it reads 12.74 volts... then hook it up.. It reads 12.49 volts... so about a .24/.25 volt draw or 1/4 of a volt.

Is this enough draw to kill my battery?


The only thing hooked up on battery power now is my ign switch, wiper power, and alternator.



ED (I have a suspision it's the alternator)

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Negative captain.. I put overthing over to accesory power. I recently completed about a week long or so re-wire with my own fuse board. The radio isn't even hooked up right now but that is on acces too. All the gauges and everything I bridged over to access power today to test and see if they were causing the draw.. no luck.



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