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Which tranny for my application/budget


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Well my used tranny has bitten the dust just short of 200 miles on it, and it has me thinking of what my options are. I have read all of the posts on trannies, but still have some questions for my specific application.


I drive this car daily and don't expect it to ride super nice. I plan on running between 15-18 psi on the street and 21-25 at the track. I realize that drag racing will take its toll on the tranny. That being said... I have an extra 280zxna 5speed in my garage, but I'm thinking about the T-5 and the 240sx tranny swap. I'm trying to figure out which trans setup will make more sense for cost and durability factor in a high 11's car.

The 240sx tranny is cheap in jy's at about $75-100. If I learned how to swap the tranny by myself, I could save on the labor and wouldn't have to spend $1500-2k at a time on the tranny (tremek/g-force), however I don't want to do it every other week. Will this tranny even hold this kind of torque? And for how long? 5-6 months at a time would be cool with me.


The T-5 is another option. From what I read, its not good for dragging, nor is the WC. I plan on using DR's and won't be getting complete traction. Is it the lauch that kills it? I heard using an aftermarket shifter would save it from destruction due to fast shifts. Another problem is that I hear the t-5's are becoming more harder to find as opposed to the nissan tranny. Also if I went T-5 would I have to use a different clutch? I already have an ACT 6 puck and would hate to have to invest in another one to suit the T-5 which is why I'm hoping for a nissan solution.


Basically to sum it up if I'm going to be going through trannies often what would be a more cost effective solution? Should I throw my NAzx tranny in, ride on low boost and save up for a G-force? I definitely wouldn't want to buy one of those more than once a year.

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