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I love this site!!!!!

David K

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I love it here! When i wanna talk about brakes, i can go to the Brake forum. When i wanna talk Datsun L6, i can go to the Datsun forum.


Its like this is a universe, with different planets. I can go where i please depending on my mood. I can spend hours on here collecting info, and reading some interesting things.


Well, to the Founder/Admins/Moderators.........This site ROCKS! You guys are awesome 2thumbs.gif2thumbs.gif2thumbs.gif


How about setting up a page on the website somewhere that we can donate $$$ and the donatees would be mentioned? Whoever supports this site, deserves some kind of financial support and recognition!



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Yep, we had a fund drive about 8 months (?) ago because the cost of the site was getting a bit too high ($300-$400/mo?) for SuperDan to foot mostly himself. Fortunately, many guys stepped forward and really gave to keep the site up and running. I know a few guys that send a check now and then. If SuperDan says the word, we'll have another fund drive and I'll happily be giving my support.


Thanks to the guys that make this place happen-- you know who you are!



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Hmm, I just noticed that BLKMGK is now a "HybridZ know-it-all." And I am an "Overlord." Wow. Don't know what to say except I may have to throw Dan a few more dollars this time.


Anyone know what SuperDan's Paypal account is? That would be really easy for most of us to do, with no hassles. Any other ideas guys?



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