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Toyota 4 Piston rebuild quick help!

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hey i need help supa fast as im trying to figure this out right now, ig ot the rebuild kit for the s12w toyo calipers heres what came: seals Untitled-1.jpg


now all i need to know is where to put the smaller of the two rings (upper right in the pink box)




so thats the ring i was wodnering and as you can see the diameter of the ring mathches up witht he metal flange right below it, now im wondering where to put that ring, im assuming the other rings (on the left in this photo, dust boots are they??? or seals they are more flexable any way) will go over all of it. so if someone could tell me where the small rings go on the pciture below




any help would be very appreciated... please if you feel up for it i prefer you use photo shop to simply draw the ring in, otherwise please explain, thanks!!

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i heave now determined that the seals are inside the piston, duh. heh but im having trouble getting the pistons out, im using two screw drivers to gain leverage but this is still very difficult any help on the leverage thing?


by the way my compressor does not have a hose fitting so no way to pump air into it

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If you have access to compressed air you can push out the pistons that way. BUT BE VERY CAREFULL!!!!!!. Wear eye protection ,for break fluid can spray out when the piston are forced out of there. Also be careful where your fingers are, place a piece of 1/8 to 1/4 inch plywood to catch and cussion to piston.

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ok well if i didnt have compressed air, is there any way? and to a more important question... if the car can't run for the next 6 months to a year does it amke sense to rebuild the calipers now or should i jsut open them up and put the seals in last minute, right before driving the car? what are the reprocussions if i put the seals in now... they would be in a realitively dry enviorment, other than a little dot 5

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Well you run the risk of scratching the piston's surface if you use a screw driver or any hard metal tool. As far as the amount of time , I would wait until you are ready to used them to rebuild the calipers. When I pulled some calipers for my truck at the pick a Part, The caliper had crystelized dry brake fluid. I Took them apart,polished the piston and rebuilt them just fine.

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