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need help figuring guys


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Im in the process of building my new garage (owner/builder)

I need to order shingles, the garage mearures 36 feet x 74 feet in floor area (2664 sq feet) Im installing a HIP ROOF 6:1 with a 2 ft overhang 1093292688_te.jpg vaugely similar to this (roof not the garage) ,and I need to know the approximate numbers of SQUARES of roof shingles to order, but never having built a garage before Id be guessing at about 34 squares worth of shingles???? to allow for the usually % of screw-ups , fitting ETC,?? any help from guys that do roofs or contractors who build garages ETC. for a living would be appreciated guys


yeah I have hired experianced roof guys to do the actual work, buy they have aggreed to do all work and supply everthing but the shingles BECAUSE I wanted MUCH BETTER QUALITY than the average job they usually supply or install so they ask me to get them delivered to the job, they gave me an estimate on the number of squares but it seemed to be low in my estimation, so I wanted to check before ordering the shingles

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34 would be razor thin IMO, I'd go with 35. 32 slope, 1.7 on the ridges, so 33.7 plus waste.


6:1 is super flat. Nobody around here goes less than 4:1, and most are 3:1. Are you sure that's correct?



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thanks guys, Im figuring on 36 sqs does that sound about correct??


btw heres a link that may help some guys reading this thread



figuring the surface area is easy, the problem is that SHINGLES are installed overlapping and I did not know the percentage wasted durring the average installation




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