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No boost ?

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After Adjusting and rerouting my WAstegate feed lines and adjusting the Blitz Manual controller I now cannot generate boost, Well i like 1psi.


Im presuming since my turbo is 20 years old and has seen 15psi manytimes. Id presume its finialy bitten the dust.


All i did was Move the Feed line back onto the turbo. From the intake manifold i had it running hoping it would help the ever so "i love diffrent levels of boost" contoller. gave it a quick blat and 15psi, so i backed off. Turned it down and got 8 psi. which is fine. Then 5 mins later i have no boost the next time i nail it, All lines are connected fine and the WAstegate seems to be still closed. Which would lead me to think its dead ?

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Guest bastaad525

I'd assume if the turbo really bit it like that it'd have let you know somehow... probably a horrible grinding noise as the bearing seized up, or something like that :)


What kind of boost controller are you using?



I've had problems with my grainger valve boost controller getting a bit of dirt in it and getting stuck open, causing my boost to go from 13psi to like 5psi... a simple cleaning and it'd be back to normal.


You should be able to easily check if the turbo is seized... just reach in thru the intake side and see if it will rotate freely. If it does, then either your wastegate is stuck open or your boost controller is having problems, or maybe your gauge is flipping out or not getting signal properly?


This reminds me of ANOTHER problem I had... with my autometer boost gauge. It came with this plastic tubing to connect the guage to the manifold to get it's signal from. And where the hose went into the manifold, it had gotten bent and started to break, giving me a vacuum/boost leak, and I was getting all kinds of funky boost readings until I figured this out.

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Well i just took it for a drive again, and i have boost. "confused" Who knows.


My turbo is on the way out, it used to make some Grinding noises at 13psi, Then i turned it down. 5 months later i put it up and no sound. Unsure why.,


im currently using a Manual BLitz Controller. it has a huge Body and dial Unsure on whats style, needle/ball or bleed.


If you get the "death" turbo noise, my car sounded like a dieing goose, i preusume power will start to drop even knowing it doesnt make the noise anymore. Because eveything i seem to do over time im loosing power.


I got 109rwkw on 8psi. Which i guess is alright. But the turbo is stuffed. Which could be the reasion to my no boost.


Ive always had Incosistint (sp) boost with any controller. The only luck ive had which game me 8psi max was a Adjustable arm on the wastegate.

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