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Ok, I have finally built both Glen's Garage's kit, and DIYAutoTune's.


First impressions: Glen's Garage's packaging is much nicer, he uses antistatic bags for sensitive parts, little ziplocks for normal parts, and the ICs come on foam in plastic boxes. DIYAutoTune's kit comes in plastic antistatic baggies and ziplock bags, all ICs come on ONE foam block.


BOTH kits come fully labeled and components are in groups (capacitators, resistors, diodes).


Fit and finish goes to Glen's Garage. If I had my camera, I would take pics. The DIYAutoTune's kits have the connectors cut-outs for the serial and db-37 as just rectangles. The Glen's Garage ones have CNC'd endplates, and the db-37 is firmly held in place by the endplate (like on the back of a computer).


I also had to file down the sides of the DIYAutoTune kit for the PCB to fit in the case, but thats is known to happen because of slight differences in the manufacture of the boards.


Assembly was fairly simple for both, but the DIYAutoTune's kit was missing 2 diodes (good thing I had spares from when I blew one on my install)! It also came with other diodes that are usually not necessary or not recommended for most builds, but are good to have if you have an "oddball" efi system. The Glen's Garage kit only comes with the most used and recommended parts.


Now delivery time, Glen's Garage usually has around a 3 week or so wait to recieve your kit because he does get back ordered, especially in the holiday season, while most DIYAutoTune kits are in stock and ready to ship.


Conclusion: If its your first build, and don't mind the wait, get one of Glen's Garage's kits. If you don't like to wait and don't mind the slightly less perfected finish of the kit, get the DIYAutoTune one.


Just for your information :)


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Thanks for the comparison. I don't have any info on the kits like that so it is good to see what you get. Of course it is more fun to get your order straight from digikey in one big bag and have to locate everything manually, drill your own endplates, and mess with the map sensor connection.

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Thanks for the comparison. I don't have any info on the kits like that so it is good to see what you get. Of course it is more fun to get your order straight from digikey in one big bag and have to locate everything manually, drill your own endplates, and mess with the map sensor connection.

I guess that would be the most fun, in a sadistic kind of way:neutral:, j/k


But I think the kits are only like $20-30 more then buying from digikey, so completely worth it in my book.


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This is a copy of my post in Mario's zcar.com thread that's identical to this one:





Hey all- this is Jerry Hoffmann from DIYAutoTune.com. I just saw this and wanted to thank Mario for his time and review of mine and Glen's kit and make a couple comments.


I thoroughly apologize for the missing diodes, that is EXTREMELY rare and I would have been (and still would be) glad to send them out to you immediately if you let me know what was missing.


Glen and I use the same boards from the same source, you're right some do fit tightly and occasionally even need a bit of filing due to manufacturing tolerances. This should improve in the near future as B&G is using a new board house that is pricier but should provide even higher quality boards.


As for the antistatic bags I do use these on all static sensitive components just as Glen does, mine are pink poly antistatic bags so they are a type of plastic, they are every bit as effective at protecting your components.


I do keep kits in stock and ship next day, usually even on Saturdays. If you want it fast I'll get it to you.


This was an interesting review as I've not had any negative feedback at all yet so this gives me an idea of where I can improve. I'll update my packaging slips to point out that the pink bags are indeed antistatic. I'll settle for nothing less than being the best at this- and I do appreciate your feedback.


BTW-- I've got some extra stock so I'm running a special on the MS ECU kits right now.... $130 through the end of June.


Jerry Hoffmann


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