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MSA gasket and SU question


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I know this maybe a simple question but I could not find any answers to the install of the MSA gasket. Is there any prep work before the install, other than using a gasket scraper to clean the surface? Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm new to working on Z's and cars altogether.


Another thing I would like to ask is about SU rebuilds. I have to rebuild the SU's on my 240Z, but I was wondering if this is a too difficult thing to do. Also what should I use to clean off all the build up on the carb? I read on another site that the carbs could be dipped in gasoline, but I'm really doubtful about this...


any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you

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On good clean flat manifold surface and good clean flat carb face surface... you should need any other prep with a good gasket...The bolts should be tourqed if you are inexperienced in tigtening carb bolts that do not that tight of fit. Before you tear into those SU's..get a rebuild manual and read up on it.I would not think it advisable to spend any money on rebuilds if the carbs are ot the early rounded tops (1970-72) as opposed to the later 1973-74 square shouldered round tops.. about any repair manual should hve the rebuild info and photos to tell the difference between the carbs. I do not know the tourqe requirements to mount the carbs to manifold

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The SU carbs are really simple. I didn't know jack about them, and last year me and a friend spent about 2 hours taking my just acuired carbs apart, cleaning and reassembling. Not hard at all.. I bolted them on, and they fired the car almost righ away too!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest norm[T12SDSUD]

The MSA Header manifold gasket material is TOTAL CRAPOLA and will only last about 9 months!!


Get the Header manifold gasket form NISMO. MUCH better quality for about the same price!!



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