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Sudden rough idle on L28ET swap


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I finished my 82' L28ET swap into my 76' 280Z a couple weeks ago. It runs but it doens't run very well. it gets -19 on the boost gauge at idle when I first start it up. But if I rev the engine it'll start dropping to like -10 and start running rough. I've cleaned all of the harness connectors, checked vacuum lines, changed TPS, changed in 2 other AFMs, and found out I had 2 injectors connectors in the wrong place and swapped it the way it should be so it starts up better now. When I drive it I notice I hear pops whenever I slow down or brake.


I did change an injector that I thought was bad. I have these light blue or teal colored injectors in 5 of the cylinders and 1 black one that I put in. I always thought those black injectors with the wierd looking tip are for turbos but those teal ones have a normal looking tip O_o. Could that be my problem?


My ignition switch is wierd also for some reason if I turn the key all the way on start it won't start I"ve noticed. It'll just keep cranking. But if I turn it just enough to crank I noticed the yellow floor temp light goes on and the seatbelt light goes on and the car starts. Does that mean my ignition switch is on its way out?


anyone had similar problems and found a fix?

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well the negative numbers on the boost guage is completly normal because that is your turbo setup in vacum. Do you have stock exhaust because the gurgling sound as you decrease speed is also normal as mine does this as well. One thing i would check out for sure is your injectors because i was led to believe that turbo injectors are brown and not the teal you speak of at least mine are.

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Well I guess there are still a lot more questions then answers.


What does you timing look like at idle, when reving up?


How's your fuel pressure when reving the engine up?


Did you hook up the cold start up stuff, AAR, air regulator and associated water hookups?


As far as the starter, I agree with your diagnosis, sounds like the switch is going bad to me.

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Wow your right I figured it out [:)] I had the vacuum connections for the EGR on wrong. The EGR was connected to the manifold and the one way check valve was connected to the EGR. I guess when hooked up the VCM I didn't carefully trace the vacuum tubes to where they went I thought they all went to the manifold [:P]


Does anyone know what an 82 turbo injectors are suppose to look like? Like CJarloz sez and from what I hear they're suppose to be brown. One thing i notice is when I listen to them click with a stethescope the teal ones click a lot louder than the black injector O_o' I've been collecting injectors for years and I have some brown ones is there anyway to tell for sure if its for a turbo. The teal ones could be just aftermarket ones?


another quick question is is there a certain way to hook up the knock sensor? does the red wire go on the right or left or does it matter?


Well I guess there are still a lot more questions then answers.


What does you timing look like at idle' date=' when reving up?


How's your fuel pressure when reving the engine up?


Did you hook up the cold start up stuff, AAR, air regulator and associated water hookups?


As far as the starter, I agree with your diagnosis, sounds like the switch is going bad to me.[/quote']

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I don't know this for a fact, but I don't think it matters which way you hook up the knock sensor. It looks like a variable resistor. Stuff like that ususaly isn't fussy about which direction you hook it up, the output is the same.


As far as injector colors go, I have no idea, but I have seen discussions about it on this web site. You might try doing a search on "injector color"

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