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Good luck charm needed

Guest tony78_280z

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Guest tony78_280z

I've been driving my car for a few weeks since I finally got the swap done. (Read about it here) After a bit of crazy driving, my brake pads started grinding. (oddly the caliper did compress, for the last time) So I had to park it for a couple of days until I had time to replace them. Then, after ONE day of driving my headlight bulbs go out. (They lasted for 27 years so I can't realy complain) So I had to wait until pay day and then order some headlights from Victoria British. I replace my headlights. And took it for a short drive and my friggin caliper goes out. ( Again ! ) Now I gotta wait for pay day, order a new caliper, and find time to get it in.


WTF is up? Am I cursed or my Z! Is there some kind of gremlin I can exterminate? Or hire an exorcist to banish the demons? Or do I just need a good luck charm to turn my luck around?

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I think i'm in the same boat. I just installed some injectors that I fought with for 2 days, and today I replaced the struts. Went into town to get some things, and for some reason, 3 of the injectors started freaking out. I was stranded at o'rielly's for about 2 hours...i don't know what's going on

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Well, let me tell you a story. There was this preacher, unwaivered in his belief, one day his wife and kids are killed in a auto crash. He prays to god, and still his faith is unvaivering. The next week, he looses his job, he prays. The next week, his bank forcloses on his house and he is out on the streets living in his car looking for a job. He prays and maintains his faith. While out looking for some food, somebody steals his car and it starts to rain intensely, finally he asks god, what is the deal here god. The clouds part, the skies darken and a voice says; " I don't know, there's just something about you that pisses me off."


Another story. When it was just adam and eve life was fair to adam 50% of the time cause the other 50% of the time it was fair to eve. So today with 80billion people in the world, the last time you blinked, yup, you guessed it, life was fair to you, only you missed it. It just can't be fair to everyone all the time so get used to it and if you think it's different for the rest of us your all wrong. Keep your chin up, it could be worse.

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Another story. When it was just adam and eve life was fair to adam 50% of the time cause the other 50% of the time it was fair to eve. So today with 80billion people in the world' date=' the last time you blinked, yup, you guessed it, life was fair to you, only you missed it. It just can't be fair to everyone all the time so get used to it and if you think it's different for the rest of us your all wrong. Keep your chin up, it could be worse.[/quote']



Actually life was fair to Adam 51% of the time and Eve 49% of the time and Eve got so pissed that she wanted to make it unfair all the time for Adam, so that's why she gave him the apple. Holds true even today, 100,000 years later.

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