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Hey everyone, I think that a few of you guys may remember me, i have taken quite the hiatus from the Z world for the past... 2 years or so because i have been in school. But i am now done with my automotive training (until my dealership sends me for more.)


But thats not really the point of this post.. I have become addicted to a new form of raw power, mainly due to the law that stopped the 30 year rolling smog exemption which makes my Z un resgisterable in california...


Yesterday i went and bought a 2002 Honda CBR 954 RR... and OH MY GOD... this thing scares the crap out of me. I love it. Came with a full aftermarket exaust system and some other nice little add-ons, it SCREAMS. I feel like I died and went to super speed heaven...


I'm going be moving back up to northern california next month and if there are any other hybridz guys that ride, we should get together and take a nice leisurely ride some weekend..


oh yeah, and if anyone needs any advice concerning mercedes... feel free to give me a holler, i will have access to any information you could want.


Take care.


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mike... first i went to wyoming.. then i went back to northern california for a couple of months.. and then I was invited to the mercedes-benz elite program in Rancho Cucamonga. So, suffice it to say i have been very busy lately. Feels like i have lived a lifetime since i was a regular here..


You were going to UTI.. right? out in Texas? I have a friend that is going to the BMW step program out there right now...


anyhow.. time for me to get some sleep.



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ya i did the auto and now im doing the paint and body..

BMW step school is a block away from me :)


anyways good to see ya around here again, dont fade away again :)



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