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I like Austin...my Zx hates it


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Well, I'm officially living in Austin, Tx. I'm taking 13 hours this semester, and I was able to get a job at a Ford dealership a little north of Austin. Austin is a great city, except for one plague -- I-35!!! SON OF A B****!!! Traffic is the WORST on 35, always! My v8 280zx just hit 250* today in stop-n-go traffic. I now have a whine coming from the engine (sounds like it's coming from the timing chain) and somehow the timing is 5* retarded than what I set it on two days ago -- I couldn't move the distributor with my hands, so I don't think the bolt is loose. I thought that was kind of odd. I'm now on the hunt for a Taurus fan, so I can hopefully fix this damn cooling problem. The only hope that I have for it not overheating so bad is that I have an autometer gauge running off of the chevy sending unit (because the autometer unit broke and I haven't ordered a new one yet), so maybe it didn't get as hot as I thought it did, but I do know that at idle it would start to sputter (and drop down from 900 to 500 rpms) and it started to blow smoke pretty bad until I got the temps down to about 230*, according to the gauge, anyways. I was on a bridge, so I couldn't pull over and shut her off...man, I can't recall a time when I've been more frustrated. :evil:


I absolutely hate I-35 with a passion, and will avoid it at all costs. Sorry, I wasn't expecting this to turn into a rant, but damn, I just needed to vent this out. Does anyone happen to know a good machinist in Austin? I think I'm going to pull the heads and have him pressure test them and check for warpage, if the compression tests don't look good. Thanks for reading...I almost want to start a website to just bitch about that god-forsaken interstate, if it hasn't already been done yet. *Sigh*

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I LOVVVVEEEE AUSTIN!! thats where im from..

Go to the capitol Z of texas club meets, you'll find alot of(to much) information from those guys as to good shops they recomend, even discounts for members.. and from the sound your working in Round Rock, ever try mopac to get up there? route 1 I belive... it has a good 2hrs of traffic on both I35 and mopac, meaning 2hrs of rush hour..


and traffic is nothing there, I lived in Chicago and its 10x worse there, also here in Indy its pretty bad..

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