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another honda goes DOWN!


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when will these guys learn!

i was on the freeway in southwestern wash. when these guys in a prelude 2.0si roll up on me and im goin about 80,they start darting back and forth on and off this is a monthly commute for me and i know that 5 miles up the road is a killer stretch of freeway that is long slightly up hill then down hill for about 5 miles.

the lude had fresh paint big wheels and the coffee can it apeared to be a little bit healthy but so is my 280zx and ill tell ya with that air dam and zx-r tail that thing is a much nicer car to drive over the century mark than it is below it any way we come up on the stretch of road and he starts off like he thinks his honda has steriods i let got a lil bit (let the others on the road all find the extra lane ) and i let -er rip hit 4 th and she sat down and started hualling a**,as i cam up on him he was at about 105-maybee 110 and apeard to be givvig it all she had we crested the hill and i had just shifted to dont no how fast i was goin but i had the 130 speedo pegged (i do this evry time i drive this road when its dry )

the look on his face when i rolled by him was priceless he came wizzing by after i had backed out of it like hed been full steem the hole way it must suck to not have a Z maybe his stereo and exghuast tip was weighing him down rockon.gif

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Guest Anonymous

i remeber back when i had my first ZX. nothing fancy done to it just some new shocks, a lowering kit and rims/tires. i loved the way that thing handled at high speed. i know this was incerdibly stupid of me but i took a canyon road called "secret pass" or ruby valley pass for the non local. anyway this is a VERY twist road with lots of blind turns with a rock wall on onsie of the rod and a shear drop of 150+FT on the other in some spots. man i must have done 130+ the whole way through it. i had my tres on the very verge of lettig go. they were screamin around hose corners. i made a normaly 2HR trip in just a little over a hour :D glad i didn't die doin it though know that i look back on it. godd kill man those guys in the preludes always seem to think they are hot stuff

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Guest Anonymous

Good job, I don't know why these guys insist on trying it on. To much Fast and Furious, Bling Bling. ;)





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Guest Anonymous


was this on 1-5 or where? I was also in SW WA (live there) heading down to portland on 1-5SB in my '79, nothing to eat buy a little 90's yamaha small bike, probably about 300-400cc's (don't know my yamaha's, cept R's). Anyway, he starts darting around, I can't resist it. I nail it in forth doing about 80 and catch up darn quick ;)

Now I thought I'd have a little fun with this guy, he looked in his mirror and slammed it as hard as he could, couldn't get nowhere nono.gif .. we chased around for about 6 or 7 miles going 130 (also limited here, putting a 160 speedo tho). Longest time I've ever had it at 5 grand. There's so many fun roads around here, don't you agree?

I'm just curious which highway this is you're talkin about.

Nice kill

-980mak rockon.gif

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YA ITS I-5 somewhere south bound about 70-50miles north of portland you come out of the trees and then there is a overpass (its pretty flat still )and as the long onramp conects to i-5 you start to climb a very gradual grade with a truck lane starting there is a rest area on top i always back out for sec or 2 there then when i see the all clear there is a good 2-3 mile of 3lane no soulder down hill slightly (no room for the man) till ya get to the bottom then it opens up agian and there is a offramp there and a texaco sttn on the left kinda up away from the freeway about a block or 2 fun fun fun everytime !!!! accept when its raining in the daylight thats the on time i cant see sh** in that car mist from the trucks and stuff it sits at just the right height ,man im telling ya to pass people you just gotta punch it and close your eyes for a lil bit and hold on that kinda sucks since its known to rain in these parts a little i dont travel distance douring the day that much so it only come up once in a while anyway hope ya know where im talking about and get to enjoy that stretch as much as i do

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