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Help viewing the Streetfire web site


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I for the life of me cannot view the streetfire website that has all those neat videos. The video will download and play, but i just get sound and a black screen. I've tried lengthening the buffering time, but I still get no picture, just sound. Everything else works on this computer just fine, but for some reason, streetfire is the ONLY website that will not work for me.


Can someone help this non-video player'ing computer out? :mrgreen:

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Same problem that I overcome by logging directly onto the website rather then using a link (which should be the same thing!) but for whatever reason it works for me. Also, I don't touch the sound either--it screws up the visual. I think I'll try the full screen trick...



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I have that exact same problem, though I am on a iMac. What I usually do is if given the option of either flash or Windows Media Player I choose Windows, it is IMO always better for viewing videos. Streetfire gives you an option in the little red tab area. If you still have problems, download DivX codecs and go to Macromedia.com to make sure you have the newest update Macromedia Flash. This should solve your problem.



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