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for Radiohead fans** READ**


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saw them a couple years ago in Houston. they played most of "hail to the thief" and then walked off stage, no encore no nothing. the lights came on and a swarm of security pea brains started pushing people out. they played for just over an hour.


most disappointing show evar!


I've seen multiple videos of their live shows in japan and Europe and Thom Yorke just flips out and puts on these fantastic shows...then they get to the states and give us all the finger.


talented arrogant prick.



/will still buy his CDs

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I saw them back when OK Computer was released.


It was at Glastonbury Festival in England. Nice show. Of course it was 5 days of a drunken blur so I could be wrong. :)


Drove 5 hours to get there with a 100lb bag of our stuff on the car. Ther were 4 of us. Park in a field of mud with 100,000 other people. Walk around 600 acres carrying the bag like a backpack looking for a place to pitch the tents. Drink, eat, drink, drink, pee, drink. Then walk back to the car with everything. Drive home at 125mph and get there in about 3 hours.


Never forget it.

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