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I have my timing set but I have to use a large trigger angle? Any suggestions?


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I have verified that my spark timing is dead on. When I put it too fixed 20 degrees then its at 20 degress the only problem is I have to run the trigger angle at 67 with a trigger addition of 45. So a total of 112! I also have the distributor fully retarded. Why do I have to have it so high? Does it effect anything being this high? I have verified that at tdc my rotor is lined up perfectly at #1 cylinder, I can put a string through the cap and rotor. So its not off a gear cog. Any suggestions? Thanks for your time

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Did you set the timing as per the sticky?


ie, found tdc on compression for #1, then backed it off ~50-60, made the MS led turn on by moving the dizzy, then tightening down the dizzy?


My trigger angle is somewhere around there, but I have no trigger addition.


Sorry, don't know about the side-effects though,


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I'm still learning all this, but I don't think you'll have a problem with a high trigger angle. From what I've read, the problem is when you have a low trigger angle like 30-50. Having a low number like that affects your maxium advance you can run, like to only 20-40 degrees.


With my VR distributor, I run 70+22.5, 92.5 to get an accurate light.

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I did what moby suggested in his write up but still ended up so high. As long as there is no ill side effects then I won't worry. But if you can think of any I will be happy to redo it again. Only takes a minute or two. Also just an update the car does not like 38 degrees at 5k rpms. I had to turn it down to 30degree so that it wouldn't miss. This sounds like I didn't have enough time to set it but if i'm 112 total trigger then I should have had plenty of time? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks

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Sounds like the rotor is too far away from the post when you go above 30 degrees timing. That is what our V8 with TPI did because the rotor wasn't phased correctly. At anyting above 32 degrees it would jump to the wrong post and cause a miss at higher rpms. When you set up the trigger timing did you rotate the engine 50 crank degrees or 50 distributor degrees? Did you measure around the damper so you are close to 50 degrees or just eyeball it?


If you are using an 82-83 turbo dizzy and you set up the trigger at 50-60 degrees BTDC (and your dizzy is installed like factory, not off several teeth) everything will fall into place and you don't have to worry about rotor phasing. OTOH, if you set the trigger somehwere else and are not sure the dizzy is dropped in like factory then I would recommend checking the rotor phasing. Easiest to do with a cut out hole in an old dizzy cap so you can look in and see where the rotor is when spark is sent at lowest and highest advance (like 5BTDC and 40BTDC).


It doesn't really matter how a dizzy is installed as long as you roll to #1 TDC and see which post should have number one plug wire attached. Other than that it just introduces a level of confusion that could be avoided.


Good Luck

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