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color codes.....


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I'm looking to repaint my Z and need some info on colors. I am thinking of the factory light blue color Datsun had, can I just go to my supply store and tell them, or would they not have the codes. Anyone out there know the code for it? Wish i had a picture of someones to show you. Thanks for any help

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The light blue 305 is difficult to find someone that can mix it so it is like the factory color if anyone has the correct mixing amounts that would be a good thing to post. You can not get it from Nissan at all and I myself have not found a paint shop in Houston area that knows the correct mixture. I am currently looking myself so when I find it I will post it for you and the rest that want the correct color 305.


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I found a site that has the colors I am talking about, it is either the 510 blue or the 305 light blue. One of my parts doors has it on it. The site is http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://zhome.com/History/ZColorGallary/240bluemet.jpg&imgrefurl=http://zhome.com/History/ZColorGallary/&h=480&w=640&sz=145&tbnid=chsld6rxaNAJ:&tbnh=101&tbnw=135&hl=en&start=1&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dblue%2Bmetallic%2Bdatsun%2Bz%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official_s%26sa%3DG


They even list a PPG part number, I'll have to take a piece of paint chip to the paint store to compare.

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if anyone has the correct mixing amounts that would be a good thing to post.

When the paint store mixes paint, they do it by weight, using a digital scale accurate to the thousand's of a gram. Each paint company has different tints and formulas to make colors from those tints. Posting the 'correct mixing amounts' would be... ah impractical.



One of my parts doors has it on it

If you have a piece of a car the right color, the paint store can hand match it.

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Well actually matching the old faded and sun beaten paint is not what I would want to do. I have tried to find the original color recipe/code, using the original paint type (paint type is what is also important not the company because many make the same paint type), for 305 (the color grew on me) and for that and other paints there is a special mixing and amount of pigment dies. The thing I was refering too is that it is very difficult to find that recipe. Don't get me wrong matching is fine for people that want to spray some parts of the car or for touch up paint, but if you want as close to the true original color as you can and you are painting the enitre car, well you need the right mixture. Nissan does not have it, nor do the aftermarket Datsun/Nissan stores, and neither do the paint shops since the colors are from a long time ago and they have tossed or retired the books with the correct mixtures. Some people feel its not important or don't care to match the original color and others feel that it is. When people post and want factory original colors, well they will need to find those few companies that are out there that have the right recipes and if someone does find it I would suggest that they post it here so other's that also seek the same could get the paint color they desire since many people are paying 3K to 10K these days to paint the car they may as well get what they want not a close guess.

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