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Got pulled over for the first time!


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i was going 80 the other day and a cop turned on his lights. i didnt even see him because i was in such a hurry to get somehting done. i stoped at the light and to my suprize i saw a cop next to me yelling at me to roll my window down. he said " hey y r u going so fast on my street?" i said that i was in a hurry to get something for school ( the truth) he tried to scare me saying that i could go to jail and then said dont let it happen again and drove off.



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All the officers I have run into have been extremly nice. Been pulled over 5 times and all 5 times they were CHP. 3 times in the Z and 2 times in my truck. Only got a ticket once and it was a fix-it ticket. Happened to be drivin around my neighborhood enjoying the new interior I put in my Z when I was pulled over. Found numerous violations with the Z but only wrote down a few. No bumpers, old tag, cant remeber the rest... Didn't even have my liscense once, but the cop was cool about it and called it in. Just make sure you shut off the car and roll down your window and everything should be fine. I can't comment on local police, but I am 18 and they could have takin advantage of me, but the chp guys were real nice about it and seem just like you and me.

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