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The dreaded Ign switch problem


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Ive been searching through four or five threads and it seems this is a rtaher common problems with 280z. Normally i wouldnt care but alass it has happened to me. Everything goes good until i get to the start area.


After looking at lots of ways people have fixed it (slacking off key,Trying to turn it more,Wobbling it around) I figured that should attempt to find a fix for The peeps that have the problem. This fix i want to have functionalty out of the actual start switch. Instead of one of those push button start mods.


After realising im not one to wire through the car and arent in the mood todo that. I moved onto the zcars forums and found a post (unfortanetly forgot the posters name) It seems this is caused by the ignition switch going out of sync over time and generally breaking. What i want todo is find a way to fix this without getting a new ign (mainly becuase i have enough to worry about cash wise)


First thing i would like to know is how to test the starter wire off of the ign. I know which cable it is im just not sure what todo. Im guessing one of the wires on the ign bundle is a power cord so that it powers the others.


Heh i realise i got a bit ahead of myself but hopefully if i figure this out it can help the z peeps who have similar problems




More info to come as i attempt to figure out the mechanics of the ign switch etc etc

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You are not alone in this. I'm still playing with mine putting off not changing it. Bite the bullit and get a new switch. They aren't that spendy. You have the lock tumbler as well as the switch. The switch just plugs into the back of the tumbler assy. Pretty easy to get to.


If you need a new tumbler, check out the tech section on our club website. It's under re-keying locks. I can't take credit for the tech tip, but it's proved invaluable to me as well as others. http://www.roguevalleyz.com


The way it was explained to me, the problem occurs when us Americans hang a ton of key chains with muliable keys in the switch. The tumbler is a wear item and all the extra weight, combined with the swinging action of the mess we got hanging off the key tends to wear it out rather quickly. Hope this helps.

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Take the switch off the back of the cylinder. Check it with a test light. You can use a continuity light to make sure your starter wire is getting juice. NOTE: Disconnect battery before using the Continuity light. I usr this light all the time when working with discolored wire bundles that are supposed to be another color.

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To check the start wire on the starter connect a test light to the wire (it's the small spade connector) with one end of the testor and ground the other end. Turn the key to the start position. If the test light lights then you have current. I had the same problem with my ZX and after exhausting all manner of cures I changed the starter and the problem was gone.

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