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Guest gouki

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Guest gouki

My nephews were playing this game called "Tokyo Extreme Racing Zero", and they told me that the fastest car was a S30ZX. When they showed me how it looked like, it was a Datsun! I'm not sure wheather it's a 280zx or a 240z though. It was in the A class car. There were these two other ones which was S30Z: Datsun 260z I think, and a S30ZG: 240z; they were in lower calsses though. Anyways, anyone knows if the S30ZX is a 280ZX or not? Thanks

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there is no thing as a s30zx...an s30 is a 70-78 which was the original Z series. then there started the S130 series with the 280zx...and the saga goes on from there.

*edit* unless you have a zx drivetrain installed...I guess then you could call it a S30zx.

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My nephews were playing this game called "Tokyo Extreme Racing Zero", and they told me that the fastest car was a S30ZX. When they showed me how it looked like, it was a Datsun! I'm not sure wheather it's a 280zx or a 240z though. It was in the A class car. There were these two other ones which was S30Z: Datsun 260z I think, and a S30ZG: 240z; they were in lower calsses though. Anyways, anyone knows if the S30ZX is a 280ZX or not? Thanks


Hey admins, this is 2 out of 2 stupid posts by this guy.

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