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Hydraulic Spring Perches

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I was thinking the the units sold by Hyperco might be of some benefit reducing stiction in the strut suspension on a 240Z. I was wrong. Erik Messley made a phone call to the inventor and patent holder of the hydraulic spring perch:




I spoke with the engineer and inventor of the hydraulic spring perches today.


The bending loads associated with struts get a bit more complicated than with a coil over shock. A strut has a lot of externally applied non-axial loads from the tires that a coil over shock doesn't have to contend with. Depending on the scrub radius and caster trail, just the weight of the car will create a lot of bending load (and friction)in the strut. Add in cornering loads, an even more bending loading and friction is created.


For these reasons, strut designers actually design the spring and spring/strut combo so that the spring will create bending loads that counter-react those other loads as best as possible to keep friction down for ride purposes, etc. There are patents for open end springs designed just for producing counterreactive side loading in strut systems.


So, in the case of our perches, the answer is: No, they won't do what we want in a strut system.


Have a great day!!



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