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Is it just me or,

Greg SmileZ

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Is the Chevy V8 forum a catch all for every question or comment no matter if it is Chevy related or not? I know that it gets the most views and therefore the most responses, but....Seems I've seen the Chevy V8 forum degrade over the last several years.....transmission comments, and everything else.


Sorry for the negative comments but at one time it seems like members cared where they posted their questions and comments.



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Why, yes it is. Even though we have made it more complicated to get there (you can't 'accidentially' show up there, now you have to click at least twice LOL), it still gets all sorts of non-Chevy engine questions.


We're trying to police it and send non-Chevy topics to their respective forums. The reason they show up there is that most Hybrid swaps are Chevy and the guys get so comfortable there that they just post without thinking about the question they are asking.



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