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Having problems, MSEFI is no help. calling megasquirt masters....


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alright, I had a slight rich hiccup that would cause my car to stumble while running, idling, accelerating, whatever. it would just stumble. but it would run, idle and accelerate. that was with 029k. I "upgraded" to 029q2, since that was considered to be the most stable code now.


Well, it went from bad to way worse. Now my car wont idle once its done with the ASE. The closer it gets to the end of the ASE cycle, the RPM's start to fluctuate, then as it progresses, the engine starts to surge wildly, then it finally quits. According to the narrow band, when it starts to pull this crap, its running extremely lean. Now, I have adjusted the idle bins in increasing amounts to double what they were set at before and it has NO affect on this behavior. I can hold the engine RPM;s at 1,800+ and its fine. It seems as long as its past the first 2.5 rpm (starts at 500, then 100, then 1600) idle bins its alright. but if it drops, it really starts to suck.


any help here guys? If I cant get this figured out, Im gonna go to 024s9 code, as 1 fast Z has been running that for quite a while without any hiccups.


If anyone has any ideas, lemme know. I can Email you my .msq and a datalog.

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