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Weak Signal

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Hello All,

I believe I have a problem with my motors EFI. I was driving to buy new tires for my car when the car started to - what seemed like a miss fire. Thinking nothing of it I proceeded on my way. Half way to the shop my car stated to give up on me. It was Stumbling and unable to idle. When I would go to give it gas the car would bog even more but not die. Looking over the ignition wire when I finally puted home, nothing seemed to look bad. I turned the car on and quickly jiggled the ign. Wires and the car shut off and never turned on again. Thinking maybe the wires maybe bad I ran new wires from ECU to Ignitor NOTHING. Thinking it might be the coil I got my hands on a fairly good looking coil and ignitor hooked it up and bam it turned on. But when I went for a drive car would not accelerate more than a couple thousand RPM’s in each gear. So car drove but bogs when gassed. I NEED HELP! WHAT HAPPEN HERE! I have the Z31 ECU AND MAF hooked up. Before this car ran fine, I just haven’t use it for a week.

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