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Got My Z Back Today!!!!

Guest iskone

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Guest iskone

I think I was hot headed earlier. I'm gonna pull a fender off of my 280 tomorrow and see if that will fit. As it sits now I'm worried that the whole area aftewr the sturt tower is still push in too much. I could make something fit with grinding and a hammer but just don't know if it would be worth it.


When I'm not being hot headed I can tell the car has been hit twice and I think the 71' may be a better choice. I never could get the driuver side door on the 2' to shut with ease (never tried the striker mod) and the haych wwill never sit square either.


And of course I'll still ride it taht low. For cosmetics I'd remove the gaurds and paint the bumpers black run a black air damn and maybe even a BRE style rear spoiler.




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Guest iskone

Pulled the fender off my 280 (PITA!!!! Parked in a bad spot with a flat) It fits better then the red one off the 260 but will still take some work, but doable.


Ok, here's where I've got to make some decisions.


Even making the fender work witth the 72' the car has been hit twice but the frame is still stragiht and tracks fine. It probably won't look perfect but, ok. The hatch needs some better fitting and the driver door is a PITA. Floor board needs work and there seems to be some small holes behind the seat (all driver side). Fumes like a mofo.


The 71' has panels that fit better and doors shut smooth. The frame is STRAIGHT and clean. Passenger side floor was jacked up but I think I can just hit it with a mallet. The paint is faded and was hit from the rear, actually I think they backed into somthing. I've been under the car and all that was damaged was the rear valance. The hatch needs a little body work. Fumes like a mehfeh.


option 1: Fix 72' in it's current state, drive it

option 2: Swap 72' into 71', drive it. Oh the 71' will need camber plates installed.


Sell off what ever is left. I think $1000 foir the series one is a good deal (I paid $900 but put in some more) Don't know if I could get that for the 72' it would still have the custom chassis stuff, four camber plates, nice paint (in most places) and a decent interior. A few other small things too. I'd pay a grand for it.


Time is a factor so afetr writing it all down I should probably just foucs on the 72'. but I could make it all happen qucikly.


Anyway what are your opinions?



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Guest iskone

Talked to the shop and it sounds they are are going to take care of me!!!:flamedevi


So I'll get the fender and hood preped and painted, rattle cans baby!!! I hope they won't have it too long but we'll see. It just sucks because I won't be able to do anything with the car while it's gone.


I think I'm gonna go ahead and bolt my 280 hood on (eek) At least I have Reaction Research cowl vents on there, like these.






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Guest iskone

Need opinions here.


I have not got my Z back into the shop that said they would "make it fit" at best I won't have it there until Thursday. They said it would only take a few days, but they told me that in the first place and it was more like 6 weeks. I really don't want to spend anymore time on this. I still want it to be street legal mainly use the car as a track car from here on out.


Anyway should I just say F the shop and "make it fit" myslef save some time and cause myself a ton of headaches. I got a good supply of Fat Tire so the headaches can be alleviated.



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