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Haynes manual ??????

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Not sure if it is in the book, but what info are you looking for exactly? Perhaps someone can just tell you what you are looking to find. Specs? Tearing it down and putting it back together is a relatively simple job. Not sure if you need a book to figure that out.

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Well , I started tearing it down and after a few screws, they started to strip so, I got pissed and dug them out with counterclockwise drill bits. When I was done after my half houre lunch brake, I noticed that I did'nt take note of wich side up all the plates and shims were originally so, I'd need some sort of exploded view just to be shure of every thing.

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Well, just finished putting it bavk together, all the parts semed to have a ghost print of the part that was resting straight against it so, after awhile, I managed to get it back together, spinning freely but, the advance mechanisme is still hard to turn. any suggestions?

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