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make a wide body kit

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now im sure this question on here but does n e 1 on here know how to make a wide body kit out of fiberglass?

i plan on taping styrofoam the the car and shapng it to

then i am going to cover it with fiberglass

remove fiberglass from car then

try to cut away as much metal as possible

rivet the molds to the car and fill with fiberglass

any suggestion on another way to go about this will help

i will try to update on my venture :burnout:

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This has been covered many times over on this site, the two best examples that come to mind are Terry's car (BlueovalZ): http://www.fototime.com/ftweb/bin/ft.dll/pictures?userid={7DC317B0-8EDB-4B2E-A837-F708D07C9769}&inv=9C67398D46D99D9&userid={7DC317B0-8EDB-4B2E-A837-F708D07C9769}&inv=9C67398D46D99D9


And Boodlefoofs car: http://www.geocities.com/boodlefoof/Project_Racer-Zfiberglass.html


Using the search fuction located in the upper right portion of the screen will yield even more info.....



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For shaping the foam, I would suggest using a electric kitchen knife.


I'm not following what you are saying exactly. I'm guessing you are make a negative mold and try to make the actual fender from using those molds, Correct?


Wouldn't it be easier to use the "negatives" as the fenders? Just have to body fill after you're done. If you are going to do what it the way I understand it, I suggest practice making something smaller. You don't want to waste money making junk fender molds.


EDIT:This site might help. It deals with making F/G costumes and how to make negative molds.


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Yup, that sounds exactly like what I am doing. Thanks for putting up my link Z-tard.


I'm not sure yet whether I'm going to rivit or use an adhesive to bond the fiberglass pieces on. Now that I've got the rough dimensions on the fenders, I'm taking a break from bodywork to start work on the space frame and suspension. Then I'll be able to finalize the mounting points for the fiberglass pieces.

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