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Hydrogen Fuel Now available


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Check these guys out... from what I've gathered from friends, (damn quicktime won't let me play the 16 minute introduction video) These guys made a generator of hydrogen/oxygen gas (it's basic middle school chemistry, electrolysis) which will pump it into whatever line you wish... Apparantly they've run it into the creator's escort as a fuel additive and ended up boosting the mpg of the car from ~20 to ~50. He's been in front of the senate talking about this, and I think it's the next big thing... Since this is a hybrid site, I want one of you to buy one of these and try it. I would but sadly, I have no money.


Basically he's found a way to do what oil companies don't want us to be able to do. Think about the reasons we don't yet have hydrogen powered EVERYTHING. It's because these big companies who have controlled damn near everything for the better part of a century haven't figured out how to f*ck us into having to put a hose in our car to power it. Instead, this guy made an electrolysis setup that fits in your car, using the alternator to generate current required to seperate H2O into H2 and O2 in a ratio of 2:1 (H2, O... 2x as much H than O)

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Been half a dozen threads on these guys in the past few months. I did a bunch of low intensity internet research when those threads were first circulating. Discoved this Aquygen stuff is a reincarnation of something called Browns Gas from the 80's. Apparently that iteration ended badly for a lot of people.




Since this is nothing new, my guess is it won't amount to a whole lot. But I have been wrong before.

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