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Trying to find the perfect rims

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What size rims, offset and tire size are these rims? or what rim would fit the same way? What is the biggest rim and lip that would fit a 240z with IMSA fenders and a 1.0 inch drop all around? Also, if any of your guys out there have a fender flare, suspension drop, rim combo that you particularly like Id like to see it and have it described. Thanks!


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I believe those were the same wheels being talked about on this thread:



The concensus was CCW wheels, I believe. Those wheels look like 18's, As for Offset, that's going to vary with width. With a standard suspension, you need to maintain about a 4.5" backspace. I've got the 1" drop on mine, and that's about all the room I've got for my 17s. Talk to Oldestzguy about what size wheels he was running on his old IMSA bodykit. To calculate what offset you would need and still fit: Add 1 inch to the advertised width to account for the bead of the wheel, then divide by two. If the number you get is 4.5" or less, this is acceptable backspacing so you need a 0 offset wheel. If it is more than that, subtract the difference between what you get and 4.5", and convert it to millimeters (just type it in google -like this: 3in to mm- and hit search, it will convert for you). This is your required negative offset.

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