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someone keeps stealing my gas


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I wonder if you could dissolve the sugar in a galon of boiling hot water... saturate it... then mix it with four galons of gasoline?


Myth busters sux.. I know sugar can destroy a fuel system. I have had to replace more than one complete fuel system for customers. One on a brand new Z3..
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Not all of it would settle... only what the cooler solution couldn't hold.


you would end up with a fair amount of sugar crystals if you didnt move the solution around much there wouldnt be all that many and they would end up larger. your best bet would be to let it cool in a stand mixer set to low you should also might want to run it through a mesh strainer to remove any large chunks that might clog their hose

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Yup... that's right. Maybe TWO galons of saturated sugar water to TWO galons of gas, heh, heh... That'll teach em' to steal:flamedevi


you would end up with a fair amount of sugar crystals if you didnt move the solution around much there wouldnt be all that many and they would end up larger. your best bet would be to let it cool in a stand mixer set to low you should also might want to run it through a mesh strainer to remove any large chunks that might clog their hose
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