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rear discs again

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OK, my drum brakes need constant adjustment. My little Z is a 355 with Edelbrock RPM Heads, Intake, Comp Cams Cam, etc. Probably a little over 350 hp. I need discs. What is the most cost effective way to go? I saw a set-up using 79-81 discs that I could get cheap and complete. The calipers don't have a piston on both sides however. The 82-83 is a 4 piston, I think. What are the pros and cons? Is the 79-81 effective? If so, I can get it cheap. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

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82 is NOT 4 piston.....


i have a set of new nissan brackets here for the 82 style setup with oem rotor, if you want nicer than that and dont NEED a ebrake check out BLKMGK pics of his new rear setup..



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Hey now, I NEED an ebrake icon_biggrin.gif It's just going to take longer and cost a bunch more than not having one I'm afraid. icon_eek.gif Still, given a choice I wouldn't touch the stock stuff as it's not cheap and tends to be ugly. The Outlaw setup went on easily on my car and looks great. I have no doubt it will perform too. Hrm, can you do it in 4lug Mike?

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oh yeah..


the rear setup as Jims got can be gotten in 4 or 5 lug.


its a 11" solid rear rotor and both patterns are easily available..


the only funny thing is the 4 lug rotor costs MORE than the corresponding 5 lug one!


only about $15 per rotor but its just funny..

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