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Desprate questions


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I'm in the process of trouble shooting my 280zxt swap. I am starting to confuse my self and was hopeing someone could help out a little.


Does the factory ecu need a tach signal in order to run the injectors or does it use the crank angle sensor?


I am using an msd that i had on my old motor in which the distributor as a 240, single points. Do i hook the white wire from the msd to the same spot on the 280 distributor, male connector on the side, given that it doesn't have points?


This is what is happening and why i am asking these silly questions.

I took a spark plug out and noticed it wasn't even damp from turning it over for a few min straight trying different things. Also notice it was not getting spark to the plug when i turned the motor over. The msd has a good direct ground and has power both on the main 12v and the ign wire.



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From the Electrical System inspection EFI circute diagram shows a little different from the haynes manuel diagrams that are also in that same pdf. I went to pin 18 ( - ign coil) and checked for any voltage and there was absolutely no change in anything when the key was on or starting. I've used the same diagram for 12v constant, efi relay, and start. For some reason still not getting any signal out for the coil.


Edit: Can i get a signal for the MSD w/o the "Power Transistor" that is used with a standard coil setup?

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  • 7 months later...

Not sure if this will help, but it's what goofed me when I did my swap.


Make sure the backside of the ignitor, which is attached to your coil bracket is firmly grounded to bare metal on your fender. You may have to sand down some paint.

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