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brakeline question?

Guest zfan

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I just finished installing toyota brakes in my Z and would prefer braided steel lines over solid lines to caliper up front.


Has anyone else done this or did you just bend and reuse those crappy solid lines?

figure if someone did change out lines they could tell me what they used and where they purchased them.


Thanks in advance for any insite. Mike

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  • 2 weeks later...

Anything round can work for bending hard brakelines', large sockets/ratchet handles etc, round edge of an anvil....even to 'buck up' for new universal hardlines and bend them yourself, they're only 2 or 3 bucks a piece. I've seen 'old' ones crack under minor restressing so do be careful if keeping old ones.

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i hope your not replacing a LOT of steel line with braid.. as thats a BIG mistake.

you only want braided lines where flex occurs NOT elsewhere in the car.


the more braid you have the softer the pedal will be....

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